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The work being completed by an outgoing tenant to a high standard to ensure that our client Landlord maximises value from their property.
For over 10 years, we have been providing building surveying and property services.
Above all, customer satisfaction is our highest priority, and we always put the client first.
All work is carried out by us - experienced, highly trained and certified specialists.
Your involvement with this scheme has made the project simpler and your expert diagnosis of the design defects has saved us time and money.
For an extremely competitive price you provided me with a full and comprehensive (building acquisition survey) report, the level of detail together with photographs was simple astounding.
After many years and months of problems of water leaks to the apartment blocks due to design defects, and the original defective roof covering, we are delighted that you have successfully project managed the renewal of the roof coverings and we have a wind and water tight buildings at last.